Ivy Addison Elrod

Ivy Addison Elrod

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wow! This summer sure blew right past me...but so do most things!

I just can't believe that school has already started.  We have been so busy this summer.  We haven't even had time to enjoy an evening on our deck or swing on our front porch.  It's all catching up with me.  Although we did manage to get away in our camper several times.  I told Waymon that camping is therapy for me, and the Lord knows I am in need of some serious therapy.  I don't understand all that is happening in our lives, but I'm trying to remember God is in control.

Here are afew pictures from our crazy summer. 

My Andrea and Sam Stotts were married.  His mother was gracious enough to let them use her home for their wedding ceremony. 

We tried to take advantage of having Ben living with us and make him dig potatoes, but he spent the entire time chasing a frog. 

Easter...feels like it was just last week. 

Meet our sweet new granddaughters, Alli and Brittney!

Ben and his cousin Lake.  Looks like trouble to me!


  1. Looks like you had an action packed summer to me, lovely family hou have!

    I am your newest follower!


    Found you from the CAST team page
